Rabu, 29 Agustus 2012

Background SlideShow with Facebook Album


It's a small wonder that many jQuery plugins were developed with the intention of easily introducing pretty slideshows to display and rotate series of images. However, almost none of these slideshow plugins utilize the idea of rotating CSS backgrounds. :)

Loading images from 1 albums..

Sample htm file: SlideShow.htm
JS file: AlbumSlideShow.js
CSS: CSSslideshow.txt

How to load:

<style type="text/css">
see full css on file..

<script type="text/javascript">
//daftar id album modeidFbAlbum manual split by coma
var idFbAlbum='270532219718335,274027116045434'; 

var idYgPunyaAlbum='AingCreations.Page'; 

//kalo manual yang di pake idFbAlbum
var modeidFbAlbum='auto'; //load auto semua album dari idYgPunyaAlbum

var toketYgPunyaAlbum=''; //perlu kalo album pribadi bukan page

//kalo idYgPunyaAlbum=='' sama idFbAlbum=='' yang dipake dftrSledSow

var dftrSledSow=[
"http://misal.nya/gambar.jpg" //masukan daftar URL gambar secara manual

var jedaSledSow=30000;
var urutanSledSow='random';
var defaultSizeGambarSlideShow='auto';
var repeatGambarSlideShow='repeat';
var posisiGambarSlideShow='center center';
var tampilinStatusLodingSledSow='hooh';

I am always receptive to any thoughts/suggestions you might have, so have words with me in the comments.

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